Meet Our


Our ambassadors are a community of volunteers who share our passion and enthusiasm for transformation and making a dent in the universe. They are a diverse set of individuals from across the globe who actively participate and contribute to FSI or one of its initiatives such as Frost S.E.R.V.I.C.E, Frost the Trail and so on

Akila Prabhu

Akila Prabhu

Founding Member, Frost & Sullivan Institute Chennai, India
By helping others, I found happiness and it helped me empower myself to become a better human being. I started my journey by spreading positivity & lending hands to those in need of support
Asha Sridar

Asha Sridar

Founding Member, Frost & Sullivan Institute Chennai, India
Committing my time and energy to a cause that I am passionate about is energizing. Being able to see the impact you create by helping others is addicting
Premankur Desmukhya

Premankur Desmukhya

Kolkata, India
Volunteering is a great experience that allows me to explore different aspects of helping people. FSI has given me this opportunity to fulfil my passion to help the underprivileged people
Pasamon Pechrasuwan

Pasamon Pechrasuwan

Bangkok, Thailand
Being socially responsible is akin to being responsible to oneself. Each year, we do different things, we help different groups, and each of us discovers new capabilities within ourselves.
Shobana Sampath

Shobana Sampath

Chennai, India
Term Service inspires me as this will help me see a smile in one’s face which results in a happy vibe within me. My parents believed in ‘Sharing is caring’ and so do I.
Subarna Poudel

Subarna Poudel

Kathmandu, Nepal
Participating in CSR event/s is about connecting self with society and experiencing its social impact on an individual and vice-versa.
Ojaswi Rana

Ojaswi Rana

Kathmandu, Nepal
Being a part of CSR events is an enriching experience.
Prithvijit Roy

Prithvijit Roy

Gurugram, India
I look forward to everyone’s continued support and enthusiasm, which I believe will help me to drive further towards assisting FSI goals in its identified thematic areas.
Thanaporn Chanthana

Thanaporn Chanthana

Bangkok, Thailand
CSR activities allow me to play a key role to create a meaningful impact to the society. Each action from individuals may seem small but together, we can make a big impact.
Apoorva Yadav

Apoorva Yadav

Gurugram, India
I have been inclined towards social service right from school as helping all around me and spreading joy and cheer gave me an unparalleled gratification.
Manickapriya Murugappan

Manickapriya Murugappan

Chennai, India
Being a part of Frost CSR events motivates me to contribute to our surrounding and be more empathetic and compassionate towards society.
Sanchari Chatterjee

Sanchari Chatterjee

Gurugram, India
A small act of kindness even in the form of a smile can change some people’s lives forever. FSI provides us with an amazing platform to showcase this kindness and change lives. Thanks to the entire SERVICE team for letting me be a part of many noble causes. I am proud to be a SERVICE
Ramya Madhusudan

Ramya Madhusudan

Chennai, India
I always wanted to do something for the underprivileged, being a part of CSR allowed me to be a part of a noble movement. It has helped me to serve and give back to society in whatever little way I can.
Anusha Ariketh

Anusha Ariketh

Chennai, India
I have always believed in ”Service to mankind is service to GOD” and this belief has always made me help those in need. My instincts to help are so strong that I often get opportunities or requests from reliable sources to help people who really deserve them. This gives me a feel of wholesomeness,
Suchitra Chakravarti

Suchitra Chakravarti

Chennai, India
I believe in spreading happiness around me in whatever ways I can- doing my bit for the environment, feeding stray animals and of course service to my colleagues and clients- I want to put my best foot forward as far as I can.
Fenella Andrews

Fenella Andrews

Chennai, India
I believe that everyone can make a difference and each one should try. Being a part of the Frost & Sullivan Institute’s volunteer team has been fulfilling knowing that I have a channel to do my bit and bring a smile to someone’s face. Kudos to the team!!
Salakjit Lordkham

Salakjit Lordkham

Bangkok, Thailand
Our world will be a better place with love and sharing with everyone. I am honored to be a part of the CSR team which help to share the warm and happy heart to both givers and receivers.
Patsorn Ketlekha

Patsorn Ketlekha

Bangkok, Thailand
According to my favorite quote ‘We can’t help everyone but everyone can help someone’ we can always help someone in need. Being a part of CSR team can fulfill my aspiration to support those in need of assistance.
Varapha Thaiprasert

Varapha Thaiprasert

Bangkok, Thailand
“It’s a sad fact that the world has become increasingly unequal. That’s why I want to give back to others who are underprivileged. Though a small contribution from me might not be sufficient, I hope a small contribution from all of us can change the world into a better place”
Debarati Sengupta

Debarati Sengupta

Kolkata, India
It is extremely gratifying to be a part of such great initiatives by FSI. Kudos to the team for making such a positive impact on the society.
Bivechana Gautam

Bivechana Gautam

Kathmandu, Nepal
FSI has really helped my dream of being able to help and do good in the world come true. I’m very glad to be in a team where I can help make this world a better place one small step at a time.
Eng Loh Koh

Eng Loh Koh

Bangkok, Thailand
I am very thankful and humbled to work with a great team. I hope to make the world a better place by doing whatever I can.
Preeda Chaiyanajit

Preeda Chaiyanajit

Bangkok, Thailand
As a part of Frost CSR team, we made a meaningful contribution for the marginalized people and animals with a bigger impact than each individual can do. Together is greater than the sum of individuals!
Sushmita Subedi

Sushmita Subedi

Kathmandu, Nepal
FSI has really helped my dream of being able to help and do good in the world come true. I’m very glad to be in a team where I can help make this world a better place one small step at a time.
Sama Suwal

Sama Suwal

Kathmandu, Nepal
As part of Frost & Sullivan’s CSR initiatives, contributing towards this collaborative effort of creating a positive impact on society has been a truly fulfilling experience. I am inspired to practice kindness and gratitude every day.
Peeradet Meecharoen

Peeradet Meecharoen

Bangkok, Thailand
Michael Jackson sings “If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make the change.” Thus, being a part of FSI team helps me a lot to ‘Pay It Forward’ and I believe others will follow what we started.
Karan Shrestha

Karan Shrestha

Kathmandu, Nepal
It has been wonderful being part of Frost CSR team. As quoted by Jim Rohn “Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have”, we should always give back to the society and make positive impact on people’s life.
Sivapriya Rajendran

Sivapriya Rajendran

Chennai, Tamilnadu
I find it extremely rewarding to help others and make a difference in their life. It can be something small, like making someone’s day and making them smile.
Prajwal Dahal

Prajwal Dahal

Kathmandu, Nepal
Frost made me realize that change is possible and the world can be made a better place for all of us with our small yet joint effort. There is always more to serve and learn in FSI colors
Priyanka Sharma

Priyanka Sharma

Kathmandu, Nepal
Oprah Winfrey said, “Life is a reciprocal exchange. To move forward, you have to give back.” FSI has given me a platform to give back to the society. Being a member of the team and contributing feels great.
Abhash Raj Subedi

Abhash Raj Subedi

Kathmandu, Nepal
FSI has allowed me to be a part of a team that makes an impact all over the world. It is a great pleasure to be working with such passionate and dedicated professionals.
Chirag Sharma

Chirag Sharma

Gurugram, India
It’s a pleasure to a part of Frost & Sullivan team, A platform that is making such a positive impact on the society.
Sakthi Kumararaja

Sakthi Kumararaja

Chennai, India
Like Miles Halter in John Green's 'Looking for Alaska', I wanted to "seek a Great Perhaps" and I'm thankful that the path led me to FSI and the meaningful goal of Innovating to Zero on global priorities.

Meet Our

Guest Bloggers

Premankur Desmukhya

Premankur Desmukhya

Kolkata, India
Premankur Desmukhya

Premankur Desmukhya

Kolkata, India
Premankur Desmukhya

Premankur Desmukhya

Kolkata, India

Meet Our

Visionary Leaders

Dr. Ken Yeang

Dr. Ken Yeang

Elena Michael

Elena Michael

Dr. Martin Burt

Dr. Martin Burt

Parmita Sarma

Parmita Sarma

Mazin Mukhtar

Mazin Mukhtar

Leah Penniman

Leah Penniman

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